We at St. Mary’s Boys’ School aim to provide a well ordered and disciplined environment where the boys are safe and happy and to provide a curriculum and working atmosphere to help each boy develop his potential and discover hidden talents. We aim to provide opportunities for the boys to learn personal and social skills which foster integrity and self-confidence while nurturing sensitivity to the feelings and rights of others. We endeavour to help the boy’s value and develop their heritage of faith and culture, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and to respect and care for the environment. We regard parents as primary educators and we fully support this role.
The school ethos is one which values the contribution of the entire school community, parents, teachers, children and the school authorities. We welcome parent’s involvement in the school through:
- Parent/teacher meetings
- The Parent’s Association
- The Board of Management
- The RSE policy committee and other school committees
With our combined efforts of home and school we hope that the boys develop their spiritual, intellectual and potential. We at St. Mary’s aim to help the boys achieve high standards of work and behaviour in a purposeful, quiet and organised manner.
Our RSE policy, which has been drawn up by representatives of the parents, teachers and Board of Management reflects the ethos of the school and ensures that the content and delivery is presented within a moral and spiritual framework.
Our Catholic Ethos
In view of our Catholic ethos, St. Mary’s BNS prides itself in being a caring and inclusive school, rooted in local parish communities where we form a central part of everyday life. Committed to the development of the whole person, we hand on Christian values and a shared Irish culture to the next generation. The vision that underpins Catholic education is rooted in the life of Jesus Christ and emphasises that every person is made in the image of God. Parents, teachers and St. Mary’s parish work together in providing a child-centred education which includes preparation for the sacraments.
Our Catholic school is regulated by the Department of Education and Skills through the national curriculum. The school teaches all aspects of the curriculum and is committed to a quality education built on the professionalism of teachers and other staff. Parents and other members of local communities have made significant financial and other contributions to our school over many generations. There are Catholic schools in almost every country in the world. Children from various backgrounds are welcomed into Catholic schools. The number varies from one place to another but respect for all religions and for people of no faith is an important part of the life of the school.