Dear Parents,
Cake Sale – School Hall – Friday 21st June from 9am to 2pm
Our annual Cake Sale will take place tomorrow. The Parents’ Association (PA) are asking the boys and their families to bake or contribute some goodies for this fundraiser. Parents/guardians and the boys are invited to come and buy some treats from 9am to 2pm. Feel free to drop your buns and cakes into our school hall between 8 and 9am. We are also holding a Summer Raffle with lots of prizes. Tickets will be on sale for €2 per strip or 3 strips for €5. If any parents or businesses would like to sponsor a raffle prize, please email Please ensure that all boxes are labelled so that we can return them their correct owner. The PA would like to thank you for your continued support.
Hot Meals Programme to start on Monday 9th September
Our school received approval for the free Hot Meals Programme which is being rolled out on Monday 9th September. I have attached an information leaflet and menu to this email from our provider, Carambola. This programme will provide a free hot meal for big break only. It is advised that all parents provide a small snack or piece of fruit for small break and a drink. Please remember that parents will have to provide a full lunch for the first week in September until the programme starts on Monday 9th September. All food on the menu is halal.
Seeking Hot Meal Distributor
Our Hot Meal Provider, Carambola, will employ two operators on site to distribute the hot meals to all classes and collect the waste after lunch. Carambola have sourced one of the distributors but are still looking to employ a second person. The work will involve 2.5 hours per day from Monday to Friday. Please contact the school office if you would be interested in this paid role.
Open Day for incoming Junior Infants today
We held an Open Day for our incoming Junior Infants and their parents today. The boys had an opportunity to meet their teachers, meet their new classmates and see their new classroom. All parents were invited to the sports hall where I gave a short presentation. We are really looking forward to greeting them on their first day of school on Friday 30th August.
Teachers v Students Annual Football match
There was a very entertaining football game today between the teachers and some of our sixth class students. Well done to our teachers who won the game 4-3. Thanks to Mr. Clandillon and Mr. Keegan for organising this event. We are very grateful to Dean Russell who agreed to referee the game.
Sixth Class Graduation – 24th June in School Hall at 7pm
Our sixth class Graduation will take place on Monday 24th June at 7pm between the Junior Yard and our School Hall. Teas and coffees will be served by the Parents’ Association in the staffroom after the event. The PA are seeking extra volunteers to help out on the night. There will be a slide show presentation showing photos of the boys over the last eight years.
Nathan Hannon – Silver Winner in prestigious writing competition
Well done to Nathan Hannon (Ms. Murray’s fifth class) who came second place for his essay as part of the Shane MacThomáis Primary School Essay Competition. Shane was the former resident historian in the National Cemetery in Glasnevin. Out of the hundreds of entries, after several rounds of judging, Nathan has won one of our two Silver Winner prizes for his contribution. Overall, the schools’ entries were of an exceptional standard with all four judges noting his essay’s originality, standard of research and composition. Nathan has won a €50 One4All voucher. He also wins a specially engraved competition medal. Once again, a huge congratulations to Nathan and his excellent contribution.
Summer Holidays
School will close on Wednesday 26th June at 11.40am for all infant classes and will close for classes from 1st to 5th class at 11.45am. School will reopen on Thursday 29th August at 9am for Senior Infants to sixth class. All Junior Infant classes will start school on Friday 30th August at 9.10am.
Le dea-ghuí,
Dara Burke, Principal.