Easter Cake Sale 2023

Easter Cake Sale 2023

The Parents’ Association is asking you, your boys, the teachers and all the staff at St Mary’s
to put on your aprons and bake some:
cakes, muffins, brownies, tarts, cupcakes, cookies, cheesecakes, bread, biscuit cakes,
crumbles, scones, pies or whatever your speciality is and donate it to the school for our Cake Sale fundraiser.
If baking is not your thing, no worries, we are happy to accept store bought baked goods!
All donations should be brought to the school between 8 to 8.45 a.m. on the day of the cake sale.

Important: Please put your son’s name on the container if you want it returned to you.
All parents/guardians & families are welcome on the day to buy and savour the treats. The
proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards school improvements for the benefit of our
Also Easter Raffle tickets will be sold to the boys before cake sale for some fantastic prizes
(more on that over the coming days).

Chapel Hill, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78YD27
01 628 1857
curious minds science award
© 2025 St Mary's BNS Lucan